Business Plan
Bunbury Primary operates from a Business Plan. This plan sets out the areas of focus and the directions the school will be going in for the current year and beyond. The business plan can be downloaded below. It contains the following information:
- School Structure / Staffing Establishment
- Co-ordinators & Committees
- Targets
- Schedule A
- Data Collection Plan
- Overview of Expenditure for School Plans
- Budget
- Schedule of Contributions and Charges
As an Independent Public School, Bunbury Primary operates from a Business Plan. The Plan identifies outcomes for the children and the school that we will work towards achieving over its 3 year lifespan. The Business Plan forms the basis for all other planning within the school and is complemented each year by strategic or operational plans.
The Delivery and Performance Agreement identifies the Resourcing that will be available to the school, from the government, to achieve the identified outcomes.