Reporting to Parents
Bunbury Primary School reports student's progress to parents in the following ways:
Term 1: Students receive an interim report which provides a snapshot of their progress for attitude, behaviour, effort, social and emotional development reflecting the school's four behavioural expectations of 'Be Responsible', 'Be Respectful', 'Be Caring', and 'Be Your Best'. The report also outlines whether the child is working at a satisfactory level in each of the core areas of English and Mathematics and school attendance.
Pre-Primary students also receive a Department of Education On Entry report for literacy and numeracy. The On-Entry assessment provides our teachers and parents with valuable information and assists teachers to plan activities to target a child's individual needs.
Term 2: A formal semester report is issued at the end of the Term 2. A detailed breakdown of tasks undertaken in each of the learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Heath and Physical Education, Design Technologies/Digital Technologies, Music, Art, and Languages (Italian) is given. The report gives students feedback on their learning and makes judgements of student's achievement in relation to expected standards as set by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA). If there is any cause for concern in any of the learning areas or with attendance an interview will be arranged with the class teacher.
Term 3: A whole school Celebration of Learning' parent open night is held towards the end of Term 3. This provides family members with an opportunity to view and celebrate the work students have been completing throughout the year. It is a wonderful way for the school community to celebrate with the children how much they value education and the child's learning journey.
Term 4: A formal semester report is issued at the end of the term. This year Bunbury Primary School is trialling the delivery of reports via email. Paper reports are also available if requested by parents.
Additional methods of reporting which class teachers may choose to include are student work samples/portfolio books, student-parent-teacher interviews or learning journeys.
Parents are also welcome to make an appointment with the class teacher at any time to discuss their child's progress.