Physical Education


At Bunbury PS we encourage all students to enjoy and participate fully in all physical activity. Our Physical Education (P.E.) program consists of daily fitness and stretching in the mornings, one lesson per week with a specialist physical education teacher, and weekly team sport. The P.E. program is designed to develop positive attitudes, encourage resilience, respect and confidence and to educate children in developing a healthy and active lifestyle. The children are exposed to a wide range of physical and sporting activities which focus on the development of fundamental motor skills, promote fitness and engenders a sense of joy of participation.

Bunbury PS runs school-based faction sporting competitions. On enrolment, students are placed in one of four factions - Dragons, Eagles, Lions, and Panthers - with siblings allocated to the same faction groups.

At Bunbury PS we encourage community involvement in our programs. On Thursday mornings (at 7.45am) we offer a Runners Club for our students and parents which is conducted by our Physical Education Specialist who is assisted by two of our Year 6 school leaders. Similarly, we have run a Swimming Club one morning a week in early Term 1 in the lead up to the School Faction Swimming Carnival. Students in Years 3-6 participate in this carnival with high achieving students progressing to the Interschool Swimming Carnival.

To implement the P.E. program, we have access to excellent facilities including an undercover area, tennis courts, two basketball and two netball courts, two ovals and we offer a selection of sport and creative play activities such as table tennis and quoits throughout break times.

Further school and interschool carnivals offered to students include:

  • Year 5 & 6 students from regional schools compete in a Winter Carnival in Term 2 (football, soccer, hockey, netball).
  • Years 3-6 students compete in the School Faction Cross-Country held early in Term 3 which is run around the oval and the school perimeter. Selected students progress to the Interschool Cross-Country event held at Adam Road PS later in the term where they compete against students from various regional primary schools. A contingent of students are then invited to the State Primary Schools Cross Country event held at Perry Lakes in August.
  • A whole school Athletics Carnival is run early in Term 4. Selected students progress to the Interschool Athletics carnival. Bunbury PS host the Network Interschool Jumps and Throws events.
  • Students P-6 participate in 10 swimming lessons as part of the Interm Swimming Program at the South West Sports Centre Bunbury. These lessons are conducted over a two week period.

