Term Dates

The term dates for 2025 are as shown in the table below. The date the students resume varies from school to school due to the scheduling of school development days which are set each year in consultation with the school board.


Term Teachers Students
1 3 February -  11 April 5 February -  11 April
2 28 April - 4 July 28 April - 4 July
3 21 July - 26 September 21 July - 26 September
4 13 October - 18 December 13 October - 18 December

2025 School Development Dates:

School Development days (where students are not in attendance) are as follows. Please note these dates may be subject to change.

Term 1

Monday 3rd February 

Tuesday 4th February

Term 2

Monday 28th April 

Term 3

Monday 21st July

Term 4

Friday 15th December 

Note: We have one final day to lock in, which will be communicated early in Term 1, 2025.