The Science program at Bunbury PS is aligned to the Western Australian Curriculum with student learning covering three strands:
- Science Understanding: Biological, Physical, Earth and Space and Chemical Science
- Science as a Human Endeavour: Science in our everyday lives, how Science affects decision making in the community, historical events and famous scientists
- Science Inquiry Skills: Planning and conducting fair tests, carrying out measurements and observations and communicating results.
Bunbury PS has two Science Specialists: Early Childhood (Yr 1-2) and Yr 3-6. Both specialists work with the classroom teacher to deliver a dynamic Science program. The school has well equipped and purpose built Junior and Senior Science Rooms.
Students engage in Science learning through inquiry which includes hands on activities, experiments, investigating, individual/group work, researching and reflecting while giving students opportunities to make connections to real world experiences. STEM is integrated through the science specialist program and in classrooms and the school has strong community partnerships that can support learning programs.
We aim to educate our students to develop knowledge and skills to help them contribute to a more sustainable future. Some of the sustainable practices we promote and utilise in outdoor and indoor teaching and learning programs include:
- School Garden
- Waterwise Tips
- Rain tanks (Toilet Flushing)
- Sun Smart
- Solar panels (additional electricity)
- Aussie Bird Count
- Recycling
- Solar Buddies (Supports energy impoverished children and their families in other countries)
- Western Power Circuit Breakers planning a sustainable energy network for the future
- Aboriginal Culture is reflected and supports outdoor learning.
- An Outdoor library (to support outdoor and indoor learning and engage the community) using QR codes.
The school also participates in the Synergy Solar Car Challenge. This is a competition where students build and race a car, powered by solar energy. Students are provided with the opportunity to compete locally and if successful at state level.