Enrolment Information
When applying to enrol a child, parents need to complete an Application for Enrolment. This is a form that provides basic information. If you live in the school's intake area you will also need to provide proof that the address provided is your primary place of residence. If you are offered a placement in the school you will then be asked to complete an Enrolment Form. This will require information about the child, as well as the parents. Such things as a birth certificate, immunisation records (from The Australian Childhood Immunisation Register) and any relevant Family Court orders must be sighted by a staff member and a copy kept on the student's file (all information is confidential).
Should any information on the enrolment need changing during the year, please notify the office immediately. This information is needed in an emergency situation and is for the safety and well-being of your child.
The Department of Education (DoE.) policy requires parents of prospective students to complete an Application for Enrolment form to which the school should respond within 48 hours. If a placement is offered, the parents then complete an Enrolment Application as outlined above. Should the application be declined, an appeal process is available.
Providing incorrect or misleading information during the enrolment process could result in the offer of placement being withdrawn by the school.
When leaving the school, parents are requested to notify the school at least a week prior to departure so that transfer documents can be prepared. Parents may be asked to complete an Exit Survey.
Children enrolling from overseas or interstate schools are generally enrolled in classes appropriate to their age as with children in WA. Copies of any relevant visas may be requested to support the enrolment application.
Parents of children with special learning needs or health conditions will be requested to complete further documentation and/or provide information/medical reports from relevant health care professionals. This may assist with obtaining additional support or resources. (See Health Care section)
If you would like to apply for enrolment to our school please complete the Application for Enrolment below and return the completed form along with a copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of your address (in the form of a utilities bill - consumption, not a service - or lease agreement etc) to the school office or call 08 9721 2660 to make an appointment with our Principal.
To download the Bunbury Primary Enrolment Application please follow the link below.
Other information you may find useful regarding enrolment at Bunbury Primary School:
Local Intake Area - Bunbury Primary School
Personal Items Lists for Students
Bunbury Primary School Information Booklet
About Our School
Contributions and Charges
Student Dress Code