Parents' & Citizens' Association

Parents and the community are highly valued and are actively involved in supporting our school in fundraising, committees, canteen and classrooms. Both the P&C and School Board are very active and have provided a great deal of support and direction to the school.

All parents are eligible to join the school's P & C Association (Parents & Citizens Association). Membership costs $1.00 per year per person and can be paid to the treasurer prior to the commencement of any meeting.

The Aims of the P & C are to:

  1. Provide input to school policy.
  2. Raise money to provide materials and resources for the children.
  3. Provide a forum for parents and staff.

Parents are requested to support the P & C for the children's benefit. Meetings are held twice per term. Our Parents and Citizens Association asks all families to contribute to their Dollars for Scholars project ($7.00 per term). This money is used to purchase educational materials and resources for the school. Support for special projects (such as play equipment, shade cover, grounds development, etc.) comes from money gained through the P & C's fund raising.

In order to ensure that the P&C can continue to support the school and the students they request that each family make a small annual voluntary contribution. This contribution will, hopefully, negate the need for smaller additional fundraisers. Parents and carers can choose to pay more than the suggested amount or pay it in instalments.

You can keep up to date with what is going by liking the community facebook page: Bunbury Primary School P & C Community Noticeboard.

P&C Meeting Minutes: Please check back later for the latest minutes.