Medication and Critical Allergy Management
There are an increasing number of children in schools with medical needs including critical allergies. In some cases medical conditions and allergic reactions (to different stimuli) can be life threatening. We manage these situations in conjunction with the relevant parents.
The following information outlines our key strategies in managing high risk medical conditions and critical allergies and minimising levels of risk:
Health Care Forms
Parents are required to complete the relevant Heath Care Forms detailing the medical condition and the procedures required to manage the condition whilst at school. In some cases parents will be requested to provide information from the Doctor/Specialist to support the Child's Health Care Plan.
Short and Long Term Illness, Medical Conditions & Administration of Medicines
Medication which is part of the child's health plan is required to be provided to the school. The administration and location of this medication is decided as part of the students' health care plan, in consultation with Administration staff.
Parents will need to notify the school of any medications which their child needs to take during the school day and complete the relevant administration of medication authorisation forms, for short or long term illness or medical conditions, at the front office. Parents will also need to notify the school if there are any changes to the student's medical records. Students should not keep over the counter or prescription medications in their school bag or be responsible for self administering, unless this has been previously discussed.
The Health Care Plan is shared with the teachers and staff who have contact with the student to assist with our duty of care and appropriate medical intervention procedures when required.
Food Allergies
Due to the high risk of serious allergic reaction for a number of students in the school we encourage parents to recognise and follow our Nut Free practices.
The school will reduce the risk of exposure to severe food allergens by utilising a communication and preventative education strategy that:
- informs the student's peers, other staff and members of the school community of the medical condition and possible impacts of the condition;
- encourages parents of all children to remove the particular food allergen from their child's school-based diet through parent meetings, led by health professionals, about allergies and anaphylaxis; newsletter items; classroom learning programmes; and individual conversations.
- removes the food allergen from the school canteen's menu.
- encourages parents to provide safe snacks and treats to enable the child with allergies to participate in birthday celebrations and curriculum related activities at school.
- requires the parents of the child with the allergy to provide drink containers and lunch boxes which are clearly labelled with the name of the child.
- restricts the use of food in crafts, cooking classes and Science experiments, depending on the allergies of particular children. Taking care with inadvertent use of artwork materials such as milk containers, egg cartons, nutshells and eggshells.
- encourages children who have used an allergen to wash their hands directly after contact.
The parents of the child with the food allergy will reduce the risk of exposure to severe food allergens by educating their child on:
- the possible foodstuffs that they can reasonably expect to find the allergen in and how to avoid them
- the dangers of swapping food with other children
- the signs of the onset of an allergic reaction (where practicable)
Medication Allergies
The school will reduce the risk of exposure to severe medication allergens by:
Advising parents that children should not bring any medication to school (prescription and non-prescription) without prior arrangement with the class teacher or the school administration.
Maintaining all medications in a locked cabinet and having parents complete the appropriate Medication Form (unless indicated otherwise in a child's individual plan).
Insect Sting Allergies
The school will reduce the risk of exposure to severe insect allergens by:
- regularly monitoring the school grounds for infestations of identified allergen insects.
- having infestations reported to the school administration immediately (with relevant children advised) and having the treatment of infestations followed up promptly
- altering the school environment', where practicable, to prevent re-infestations occurring.
The school has an emergency Epi1Pen available and staff have been trained on how to administer it.