Bunbury Primary School has worked in partnership with School Drug, Alcohol and Road Safety Education (SDERA) since 2016 delivering the Changing Health Acting Together (CHAT) program . The program offers intensive, step-by-step support to develop a best practice whole-school approach to resilience, drug and road safety education. Bunbury PS have achieved both Bronze and Silver level in delivering the SDERA CHAT program and is working towards achieving GOLD status in 2019.
In Term 2 our school focus across the school has been on Drug Education and Resiliency.
Drug Education: Various topics were covered across the different year levels, including: medicines, poisonous and hazardous substances, flammable substances, safety procedures, tobacco, preventable disease, alcohol, emergency first aid, 000 procedures (when an adult cannot be found), the dangers of misusing over the counter medications and the risks associated with caffeine and energy drinks. As part of implementing the Digital Technologies Curriculum our students incorporated QR codes in their displays.
Resilience: Some of the Resiliency P-6 topics included being happy and healthy, learning from mistakes, getting along with others, being a friend, dealing with a disagreement, asking for help, letting an adult or teacher know when someone is being bullied, it is okay to be different, working through emotions we experience and staying calm.
The Term 3 SDERA CHAT whole school focus is on Road Safety. We look forward to Izzy, SDERA's road safety mascot, visiting our school at the end of the term.