Uniform Shop
The Bunbury Primary school uniform consists of:
BPS Red (polo style) short sleeve polo with school logo
BPS Black and Red school polo shirt (Year 6 only)
Please Note: A black or red skivvy can be worn for extra warmth under Bunbury Primary School polo shirts
Red Checkered dress
BPS Black skorts skirt
BPS Black Basketball shorts (airflow)
BPS Black Wet Weather Jacket
BPS Red Polar Fleece Jumper
Black Hat Broad brimmed or bucket
In School Faction Sports: Polo shirt (single coloured) in faction colours: yellow, blue, green or red.
Interschool Sports Representation: The school provides school shirts for: e.g. Cross country, Soccer, Hockey, Football, Netball ……. The school uniform is also used for any interschool sporting events or carnivals. Students representing the school must wear school uniform at any school representation events.
Headwear: Headwear needs to be plain and purposeful (not decorative) and reflect school colours (this includes headbands, ribbons, hijabs). Sunsafe hats are defined as broad black brimmed hats or bucket type.
Long hair (past shoulder length) to be tied back. This applies to both boys and girls.
Footwear: Students need to wear appropriate footwear for the activities in which they are involved. Standard school shoes/joggers or sandals-with ankle strap. (Skate shoes, bright coloured, slip on shoes or fashion shoes are not part of the school uniform.) White or black ankle length socks need to be worn with shoes and joggers.
Sunsafe: Students must wear sunsafe hats whilst engaging in outdoor activities, play, recreation and breaks. Sunsafe hats are defined as broad black brimmed hats or bucket type. Students who fail to wear suitable sunsafe hats will be excluded from engaging in outdoor activities until they are equipped with the headwear.
Jewellery: For reasons of safety: Sleepers and stud earrings are acceptable. Any items that are likely to catch or snag are not to be worn. This includes fashion wrist jewellery such as bands and/or bracelets. Necklaces should not be worn (unless for medical reasons). Any external body piercing needs to be covered.
Make Up: Make up is not to be worn at school.